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Sol et Salus from dreams to reality: the path to motor rebirth

From dreams to reality: the path to motor rebirth

Sol et Salus from dreams  to reality: the path to motor rebirth
Project summary
Type of structure:
Private Accredited Hospital
BTS used technologies::

The hospital is the place of hope. Patients arrive from the national and international territory entrusting their health in the hands
of professionals in the sector.
The Sol et Salus is an accredited private hospital and has within it several departments to offer the following services:

– Orthopedic surgery
– Neuro orthopedic surgery
– Orthopedic rehabilitation
– Neuromotor rehabilitation
– Occupational therapy
– Logotherapy
– Reintegration at home and at work

There are 140 beds that accommodate patients with activity limitations or movement deficits / abnormalities. Doctors, physiotherapists, speech therapists and all healthcare professionals carefully follow patients, accompanying them from the moment of their entry to discharge in the best possible physical conditions.

The challenge

Watching our patients cross the threshold of the door to go home healthier
than before, is our great goal. How do we manage to achieve this every day? Certainly thanks to the new technologies in the medical and rehabilitation fields that allow to support the team in identifying the best therapeutic program in patients suffering from movement disorders, secondary to lesions affecting the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral (PNS), as well as to other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

How our technologies were used

Achieving a good result is always a synergy of excellent technological tools that include robotic rehabilitation and virtual reality. In this case the BTS Gait & Motion Analysis Laboratory allowed us to obtain measurable results and generate clinical evaluations. Through the laboratory we can objectively document the motor recovery of patients undergoing various treatments by integrating them into rehabilitation projects and daily clinical practice.

The change

Thanks to the BTS Gait & Motion Analysis Laboratory, the Sol et Salus hospital has achieved excellent results in terms of clinical, scientific and educational productivity. It is currently the reference point for the vast Romagna area for the evaluation and treatment of deformities in the lower and upper limbs and the consequent movement abnormalities in the outcomes of acquired and congenital brain injury (adults and children).

With regard to Neuro-orthopedic treatments, the BTS Gait & Motion Analysis Laboratory has obtained favorable acclaim from the scientific and medical community. An important peculiarity that characterizes the operating unit is the collaboration with the referring physicians of the public ASLs: patients are regularly monitored for up to one year after the interventions and corrective actions established if necessary.

In 20 years of activity, the BTS Gait & Motion Analysis Laboratory has generated a database of great cognitive and scientific value, becoming an attractive element for university students and companies that develop innovation and technology transfer in the rehabilitation field.

“Over the years, we have always maintained a close relationship with BTS as a company oriented not only toward research but above all to clinical applications of their motion analysis systems.”

Davide Mazzoli , Gait & Motion Analysis Laboratory Director
Why choose BTS technologies

with BTS because they provide us with support in multiple areas. We consider their systems to be easy to apply and have been collaborating for some time now to develop products together. We therefore feel part of the same family.

Our team of professionals has relied on technology to carry out rehabilitation treatments that are in step with the times.