22nd SIRN National Congress

How important are scientific accuracy and reliability when dealing with highly disabling neurological diseases?
The era we live in shows new unusual challenges for which it is necessary to keep up to date on working methods and new therapeutic models, questioning ourselves about the meaning of our work.
For this reason, from 16 to 18 April we will be at the SIRN National Congress, an opportunity for discussion and a boost to analyze this matter in-depth.
All this will be delighted by the beautiful landscape of Trentino, the event location boasting wonderful charm, where there are state-of-the-art scientific facilities and institutions, which will be involved to make this congress even more stimulating and innovative.
Our fantastic team of experts awaits you at the BTS booth to present our telerehabilitation, virtual reality and movement analysis systems.
Can’t wait to meet you! Come and visit us at our stand n° 18!
For more information: https://sirn.net/congresso-nazionale-2023/