MOVING WITH A MIND’S EYE: motor imagery training for orthopaedic rehabilitation

Extraordinary results in motor rehabilitation thanks to a better understanding of correlations between vision, perception and memory.
Here is a study showing how Motor Imagery, movements mentally executed without overt actions, has recently been applied in patients to speed up post-arthroplasty recovery, resulting in great clinical improvements.
It’s all about a visualization-based approach that revealed a significant enhancement of gait abilities limiting the occurrence of falls when combined with traditional physiotherapy. All of this was possible thanks to the BTS G-WALK, specifically with the Timed Up and Go test.
Based on the findings it’s possible to assure a better recovery of gait and active knee flexion-extension movements, with less pain, without overlooking the fact that the number of falls after surgery has shrunk considerably.
BTS is proud of constantly supporting research, confirming once again the great importance of using objective clinical measures to get more reliable and improved long-term outcomes.
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