Measuring kinematics, muscles and forces to go beyond the athlete’s limits in full control and safety

BTS SPORTLAB provides the medical-sports personnel with complete and objective information to assess the musculoskeletal situation and the motor strategies of the athlete during exercise.
Teams, sports clubs and Olympic committees from all over the world use BTS SPORTLAB to identify talents, perfect training, prevent injuries and always keep the physical condition of their athletes optimal.
BTS SPORTLAB allows to plan customised training programmes based on in-depth knowledge of the actual potential and conditions of each individual athlete, avoiding the risks of over-training and declining performance.
The technology provided allows for an integrated functional assessment based on 4 key factors: posture, movement, muscle activity and strength.

Highlights and plus
What it is about

Kinematic analysis
Thanks to SMART-DX EVO technology, it is possible to carry out the kinematic analysis of any type of movement. The infrared HD digital cameras included in the laboratory capture the trajectories of the markers allowing to calculate the angular variations of each joint.

Force analysis
The P-6000 sensing floor records the 3 components of the ground reaction force, the coordinates of the Centre of Pressure (COP) and the torque. These, combined with the kinematic data, make it possible to calculate the moments and joint powers.

Electromyographic analysis
FREEEMG wireless EMG probes are lightweight, miniaturised and wireless and do not alter the patient’s natural movements. The synchronisation of the electromyographic signal with kinematics and kinetics allows to evaluate not only the activation of the muscle, but also the precise instant in which it occurs during the gait cycle.

Sport Protocols
SMART-Performance software includes a series of protocols that calculate indices and parameters approved/certified by the scientific community.
Each protocol allows to evaluate joint mobility, muscle activity and the distribution of forces of athletes during the execution of specific movements. The protocols provide an automatic report that includes space-time parameters, kinematics and kinetics of the joints evaluated during the different phases of the movement cycle.
What's included in the Lab
- n° 8 SMART-DX EVO9 cameras (9 Mpixel – 300 fps)
- n° 6 Force Plates P-6000
- n° 8 EMG wireless probes FREEEMG 1000
- n° 2 PTZ color cameras
- BTS NET 8 input
- SPORTLAB markers start up kit
- User Console
- n° 1 SMART-Suite license
- n° 1 SMART-Performance software license
- n° 1 EMG-Analyzer software license
- n° 12 SMART-DX EVO9 cameras (9 Mpixel – 300 fps)
- n° 8 Force Plates P-6000
- n° 16 EMG wireless probes FREEEMG 1000
- n° 2 PTZ color cameras
- n° 2 BTS NET 8 input
- SPORTLAB markers start up kit
- User Console
- n° 1 SMART-Suite license
- n° 1 SMART-Performance software license
- n° 1 EMG-Analyzer software license
SPORTLAB includes a large library of the main scientifically validated analysis protocols:
- Jump Assessment
- Trunk Assessment
- Walk & Running Analysis
- Walk & Running Analysis on treadmill
- Bike fitting
- Total Body
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