Sport science
DiscoverAccurate biomechanical analysis of any athletic movement

Sports teams from various disciplines, Olympic committees and many sports professionals use our systems to improve the performance of athletes at any level.
Augmented reality systems, wireless dynamic EMG, synchronised strength platforms and motion capture systems provide an accurate multifactorial analysis of any athletic movement.
Augmented reality systems, wireless dynamic EMG, synchronised strength platforms and motion capture systems provide an accurate multifactorial analysis of any athletic movement.
Already trusted us

The BTS functional protocols provide in a few minutes accurate parameters, very useful both as feedback to the patient and as a post-treatment outcome. They are essential for me to evaluate all my patients daily, in an outpatient clinical setting.
Daniele Maremmani, DirectorStudio Fisioterapico Fisiò - Italy

Our lab at the College of Sports Science and Technology is one of the leading sports biomechanics laboratories in Thailand. With this system, we can accurately capture the fast sport motion and analyze biomechanics data.
Wat Limroongreungrat PhD, PT, CSCS, Assistant DeanMahidol University - Thailand

With our BTS system, we have a completely integrated setup that lets us acquire and analyze everything from gait in total joint replacement patients to baseball pitching and batting and the golf swing.
Ian Kremenic, MEng - Research AssociateNISMAT Lenox Hill – USA

Getting directions on how post-injury preparation or reathletization proceeds is really important. Getting some that influence training choices is crucial. Only accurate technologies can do this.
Manuele Mazza, DirectorZenit Professione Benessere - Italy

BTS's technological development, reliability and expertise have led Mapei Sport to enter into a long-term partnership that has enabled it to develop ad-hoc protocols and make the biomechanical analysis of pedalling movement faster and more precise.
Andrea Morelli, DirectorMotion Analysis Lab MAPEI Sport, Italy

BTS is a solid company that cares about its customers and addresses the demands of a constantly growing market by providing new products for new clinical and sport needs.
Gianluca Padula, Bomedical Engineer, PhD, Lab directorDynamolab – Poland
Discover our solutions for the Sport science field
Complete laboratory for biomechanical analysis

Wearable motion analysis system

Biomechanical evaluation system

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